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2024-12-13 19:38:49

Weight up, to break through?Weight up, to break through?It was clearly stated in the conference draft in December: "We should vigorously boost consumption, improve investment efficiency and expand domestic demand in all directions", which shows that consumption will become the key point of policy! A series of policy support will be ushered in the future.

It was clearly stated in the conference draft in December: "We should vigorously boost consumption, improve investment efficiency and expand domestic demand in all directions", which shows that consumption will become the key point of policy! A series of policy support will be ushered in the future.A sudden emergence! At the end of the session, finance suddenly rose! Want to break through?A sudden emergence! At the end of the session, finance suddenly rose! Want to break through?

It was clearly stated in the conference draft in December: "We should vigorously boost consumption, improve investment efficiency and expand domestic demand in all directions", which shows that consumption will become the key point of policy! A series of policy support will be ushered in the future.A sudden emergence! At the end of the session, finance suddenly rose! Want to break through?If the future policy is further overweight and gradually effective, the leading valuation may still have room for repair, and it is expected that the subsequent fundamentals will stabilize and improve. Patiently waiting for the big consumption, big technology, the theme of commercial department stores, food and beverage, prefabricated vegetables, tourist hotels, media games and other categories to rise in rotation.

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